

分类:正片 地区:美国 时间:2024-04-19 20:26 导演:杰西·卡芙 主演:曲尼次仁,贝努特·里格恩特,嘿胖小子 客串:剑意墨江南,王俊凯,指舞,凯瑞福永 状态:第28期

简介:正是凭借产品的高品质和创新理念,纤模社品牌产品已经出口多个国家,国内已经入驻淘宝、抖音、拼多多、京东、视频号等平台销售,备受国内外消费者的喜爱和青睐。This short animated piece captures the very spirit of film making...it is all real in the end. A young boy, after watching a serial about adventures to Mars decides he wants to go to Mars. The boys grandfather, equipped with a special 56 Ford F-100 tow truck takes the boy to Mars. The boy returns to his home knowing he had been to Mars. Others doubt his story. Story telling is meant to inspirational (I dont mean the pallid goody-two-shoes sort of inspiration, rather inspiration -synonymous with moving, or activating). At its heart Viaje a Marte confirms that while the cold hard facts of our lives may be debatable, the ability to find a spirit to our dreams is what makes a life. Being animation this "story" is told through the narrative of the film, but as well through the brilliantly characterized faces (including the "face" of the F-100). See it if you can.



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